The past few weeks were marked with announcements regarding companiesbeginning to broadcast animation over the 'net, and this is only going tointensify...
The past few weeks were marked with announcements regarding companiesbeginning to broadcast animation over the 'net, and this is only going tointensify, with another wave of sites slated to arrive early next year (seeThe Spotlight 12/9/99). On the other side, independent animators havestarted to use the web too. Let's take Sally Cruikshank, a California-basedindependent animator famous for her wacky, neo-psychedelic style -- herfilm "Quasi at the Quackadero" (1975) is the only film directed by a womanto be included in Jerry Beck's book, "The 50 Greatest Cartoons." SallyCruikshank's all animated web site broke new ground in the web animationworld. Her two hilarious characters Anita and Whinsey left their oldCharbucks hangout to embark on new adventures. Using animated gifs, thisnew animation looks like Sally's animated films, and unlike anything elseon the web. When we released her first commercially-available home video onAWN last year, Sally Cruikshank said: "People have been asking me for yearsto release a video, but I've been waiting for something like this [theInternet] to come along. I've always felt that independent animation washeaded for something we hadn't figured out yet. The Internet is the answerto the crumbling distribution business, because it offers independentsauthority over their content and a direct link to their audience." Thiscomment was predictive, as we received many phone calls from people whowere thrilled to be able to find her films at last. And her web site alsooffers her old time fans a new connection to their star.
Check out Sally Cruikshank's animation on-line. Her site includes a brandnew, very funny Christmas page.
The AWN Gallery features an exhibit of 28 rarely-seen pieces of art by Sally Cruikshank.
Get merchandise from Sally Cruikshank's films exclusively in the AnimationWorld Store. Her catalog features the first commercially-available homevideos of, and 55 pieces of original production art from, her shortanimated films.