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Celebrate the lives of animators at the Evening of Remembrance

* Saturday, January 30. Hollywood, California, USA.

Hosted by the M.P.S.C. Local 839 IATSE, ASIFA Hollywood and Women in Animation, the Evening of Remembrance is an annual event that celebrates the lives of animators who passed away in the previous year. The Evening of Remembrance is free of charge and open to all. It will take place at the Hollywood Heritage Museum, 2100 N. Highland (across from the Hollywood Bowl), in Hollywood. Call (818) 766-7151, (818) 842-8330 or e-mail Local 839 at if you'd like to speak for one of the honorees. Scheduled for commemoration at this year's Evening are: Jim Algar, Susan Ashley, Pierre Ayma, Eli Bauer, Carleton (Jack) Boyd, Sylvia Brenner, Bill Butler, Duane Crowther, Louise Cuarto, Retta Davidson, Otto Feuer, Rexene Gold, Adrian Gonzales, Lee Gunther, Janet Gusdavison, Marie Hines, Jack Huber, Marion Jeffress, Connie Julian, Bob Kane, Olive King, Sherman Labby, Johanna Lohr, Grace Mallon, Tom McKimson, Peggy McMahon, Ken O'Connor, Marjorie Ralston, Len Riley, John Roth, Henry Saperstein, Allison Sgroi, Tony Sgroi, Armand Shaw, Betty Smith, William Snyder, Virginia Stephenson, Richard Thompson, Dusan Vukotic, Jerry Winicki, Jean-Luc Xiberras, and Sandra Young.