New York-based visualeffects and computer animation company Black Logic, a division of theTape House Companies, has restructured its staff with new leadershipand numerous new hires. Ivan Molomut has been named executiveproducer, after serving as head of sales for Black Logic for the pastthree years. Molomut is responsible for key new hires including CGIdirector Doug Johnson, who comes to Black Logic after many years inthe New York City computer graphics community. After a stint at theComputer Graphics Lab at New York Institute of Technology and time atImage Design (now BlinkFX) and AT&T's interactive television project,Doug landed at R/Greenberg Associates, where he was a project leaderand lead animator for over five years, working on spots for Orkin,Dodge, Disney Magic Boat, Colgate and many others. Working freelance,he recently animated the AT&T "Grabber" spot at Rhinoceros VisualEffects and created network IDs for the Sci Fi Channel and YesNetworks at broadcast design house Ultraviolet. Other new hiresinclude head of production Julie Shevach, who joins the Black Logicteam after three years with Click 3X where she was executiveproducer, then senior vice president/managing director. Shevach willwork closely with Molomut overseeing bidding and production of all ofBlack Logic's projects. Art director Irene Kim joins Black Logicafter two years with Blue Sky Studios where she worked on the featurefilm ICE AGE. Finally, producer Angela Cacchione joins the companyafter two years as producer and associate producer for MTVCommercials, where she produced live-action, animation, CGI and printprojects for such clients as Nike, Pepsi, American Express, SonyPlayStation and Johnson & Johnson. Currently Black Logic is workingon numerous projects including SBC with Merkley Newman Harty, MasterCard with McCann, Chips Ahoy and Oreo with FCB and Colgate with Y&R.