Produced by Cheeky Little Media, the popular animated series follows a young Tricarrotops and her three baby Pea- Rex friends as they embark on journeys and adventures.
Studio 100 Media announced the BBC pickup of Seasons 2 and 3 of the popular 3DCG animated preschool series Vegesaurs, produced by Cheeky Little Media. Season 2 premieres early 2024 with Season 3, currently in production, set for delivery in Q3 2024. The first season (20 x 5) debuted February 2023 on CBeebies in the U.K. Vegesaurs and is also available on the streaming platform BBC iPlayer.
The popular 3DCG action-comedy series, produced by independent Australian producer Cheeky Little Media in association with the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC), France TV and Studio 100, is based on a concept created by Gary Eck and Nick O’Sullivan.
The series follows the mini adventures of Ginger, a young Tricarrotops and her three baby Pea- Rex friends as they embark on a journey to enrich and enhance children’s imagination and simultaneously leaning into very relatable themes for upper preschoolers such as mealtimes and healthy food, sharing, and diversity.
“We are very happy to have BBC on board,” said Studio 100 Media Martin Krieger. “The acquisition of Seasons 2 and 3 represents a strong and long-term commitment for the Vegesaurs brand. The fantastic performance of the series in the UK so far contributes significantly to the brand’s international success – not only on the broadcasting side, but also regarding licensing & merchandising.”
Worldwide publishing rights are with Macmillan Children’s Books who have already launched first story books in the UK and Australia.
Source: Studio Media 100