AWN looking for editorial interns

Animation World Network is looking for an intern to assist the editorial staff with our monthly on-line publication Animation World Magazine and weekly Flash Email Newsletter. Responsibilities will include proofreading, copy editing, news gathering, transcribing interviews, filing, researching publicity information, writers and companies, conducting surveys, working with freelance writers and managing correspondence for the editor and associate editor. Part of the positions responsibilities involves doing publicity for the publication. Basic familiarity with word processing, spreadsheets and databases a plus, especially the Macintosh versions of Microsoft Word/Excel, and Filemaker Pro. We are looking for people interested in journalism, publicity, publishing and animation/cinema, who are sharp, self-starters, detail-oriented, organized and willing to make the most of this great opportunity. We offer unpaid positions which can be completed for college/academic credit. Please send your resume to: Heather Kenyon AWN, 6525 Sunset Blvd., Garden Suite 10, Hollywood, CA 90028, fax: 323 464 5914 or e-mail: