AWN Discussion Forums - What's New? for October 31, 2005

This week in AWN's Forums, a junior member poses the question why is Disney so popular?

This week in AWN's Forums, a junior member poses the question why is Disney so popular? Another junior member wants to trade pitch bibles with other members while theres a member who has questions about creating a pitch bible. Theres a posting about finding the one idea that someone can dedicate their passion to. Others are talking about Cartoon Networks SUNDAY PANTS and COCONUT FRED. A thread continues regarding the worst animated film ever. Another junior member wants to know what others think will be the next big thing in animation. Moreover, a member wants to know if others are feeling unfulfilled since graduation? Theres also members pencil tests and animation for others to check out. As well as, tools for teaching animation, the business of animation and, as always, brand new stuff to check out in show and tell!

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
