AWN Discussion Forums - What's New? for October 30, 2003

Animation in an animation forum how would have thought? Members are posting examples of their animation from roaring flames to Felix the Cat.

Check out what people are discussing is AWN's Forums. Animation in an animation forum how would have thought? Members are posting examples of their animation from roaring flames to Felix the Cat. Opinions are mixed on BROTHER BEAR add your ideas to the fray. Halloween self-portraits are still coming in. Dozens of members have posted their favorite animated shorts. Others have been voicing their opinions of 24 vs 30 frames per second. A cool mom writes in to ask about how to help get her daughter started down the road into animation. A member from Portland puts out a call for well wishes and updates on how the California fires are affecting the animation community. Even though its only October one thread has already started putting out a poll for members feelings on the Oscar race for best animated feature. Also, tools for teaching animation, the business of animation and, as always, brand new stuff to check out in show and tell!

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks