Leading experts in their respective fields are there to answer your questions and give you personal advice and insight. Ask questions! It only takes a few minutes and any topic is fair game.
Expert host Larry Lauria - ANIMATION TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES: "Monthly Update...what are you working on? Attention students and professionals! Share with the forum tidbits about the projects on which you're working. You can talk about the joys, the challenges or the inside scoop from your projects."
Expert host Tony White - THE ANIMATOR'S DESKTOP: In month one at "The Animator's Desktop" we found out that "Old animators never die," discussed "Traditional techniques using Flash," met this particular "Hi-tech director," considered the "Animation Oscar," I offered to review your animation online, we spread the word about "The Thief, the Cobbler and Richard Williams," answered "Questions on tracebacks," invited information on "Animation injuries" and considered a "New Animation Program." Right now I haven't a clue what we'll discuss over the next month because.... that's up to you! So why not pull up a thread and tell me what moves you?