AWN is pleased to welcome ASIFA-Canada to the AWN family.
ASIFA (International Animated Film Association) was
founded in 1957 in France by a group of professional
animators to promote the art of animation. Today, there are
ASIFA chapters in nearly thirty countries worldwide, but
Canada was one of the first countries to form its own
national chapter, ASIFA-Canada. Through its publications and
activities, the organization seeks to foster communication
amongst ASIFA members within Canada and internationally;
inform its members about new developments in animation;
educate the public and governmental bodies of the importance
of animated filmmaking; and encourage participation by its
members in animation festivals around the world. The
site offers practical information on how to
become a member, a discussion group, and a message
board/guest book. It also presents its video project,
"Canadian Animation on Video," a compilation video cassette
of 15 films by independent animators, to be launched at the
Ottawa Animation Film Festival in September 2000; and the
Norman McLaren Heritage Award, with profiles of the past
winners. The site will be expanded in the near future, with
an Archives section, a Member Profiles Viewing Room, and more!