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After Effects Ices Real Time SDI Video

ICE, the developers of ICE Tools for After Effects and Media Cleaner, haverecently announced shipment of BlueICE SDI Video, an add-on daughter cardto ICE's BlueICE hardware for real-time, uncompressed, frame-accurate videocapture, playback and print to tape. BlueICE SDI Video allows Adobe AfterEffects users, to digitize, preview and layoff to tape in real time - allwhile remaining in the same After Effects environment in which theycomposite and create visual effects. BlueICE is available in both PAL andNTSC standards, and is currently only available for MAC OS, although an NTversion is planned for release early in 2000. BlueICE SDI Video is pricedat US$1,995 and is available from ICE resellers worldwide.
