ACM SIGGRAPH Announces Award Winners

ACM SIGGRAPH presented three awards at this weeks SIGGRAPH 2005 conference (which attracted more than 29,122 participants to Los Angeles) to recognize individuals who made a significant contribution to the computer graphics community:

* Tomoyuki Nishita of the University of Tokoyo received the prestigious Steven Anson Coons Award for Outstanding Creative Contributions to Computer Graphics for his inspirational work on rendering of natural phenomena.

* Jos Stam, a senior research scientist at Alias, received the Computer Graphics Achievement Award for his pioneering work on subdivision surfaces and on fast Algorithms for the simulation of natural phenomena, especially fire, fluids and gases.

* Ronald Fedkiw of Stanford University received the Significant New Researcher Award for his contributions to the field of computational fluid dynamics.

Meanwhile, through an award partnership between Laval Virtual France and SIGGRAPH, the 2005 Emerging Technologies installation, "Touch Light: An Imaging Screen and Display for Gesture-Based Interaction," was selected by Laval Virtual France for presentation at their conference April 26-30. The technology, developed by Andy Wilson of Microsoft Research, is a unique transparent display using computer vision technology enabling new applications in gesture-based user interface, video conferencing, augmented reality and ubiquitous computing. Two members of the SIGGRAPH 2006 conference planning committee will travel to Laval France next April to select a winning installation to be invited to display at SIGGRAPH 2006 in Boston.

SIGGRAPH 2006, the 33rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, will be held in the Boston Convention July 30 Aug. 3.

SIGGRAPH 2005 is sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH, a leading professional society for computer graphics and interactive techniques. Information on ACM SIGGRAPH membership and other conferences and activities can be found at

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
