9 Squares Collaboration Explores Motion Design

Collaborative motion graphics project organized by Al Boardman, David Stanfield and Skip Dolphin Hursh completes its first year.

9 Squares is an international collaboration of designers and animators. Nine designers are each given a 350-pixel square, four colors, and three seconds to create any kind of animation they like. The results are then gathered together to create a single animated GIF.

Organized by Al Boardman, David Stanfield and Skip Dolphin Hursh, the collaborative motion graphics project was first launched in March 2015 when Boardman posted an animated GIF of a kinetic grid of colorful, hyperactive boxes (shown below). Stanfield suggested it might be a fun format for a collaboration, and other artists soon piled on.

Since then the project has continued on a loose twice-monthly schedule, recently completing its first year, comprising 28 rounds with 186 contributors:

(via WIRED)

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.