That's right! A great animation competition is coming your way if you are on the look out to win some cool prizes.
Here are the specifics:
VNIT College is one of the premier technical institutes in India and it holds annual technical festivities called "Axis". This year, Axis 2012 has this new animation competition called "Techverve", with sponsors such as BMW, IBM, Mentor's School of animation, VFX and more!
So here are the rules and a few details that you might want to know.
-Animators can register online, but they must be in a group which contains ONLY 4 members.
-There is no registration fee or any kind of payment to join the competition. So all of us can have fun with this.
-There are basically two categories of cartoon characters given in the problem statement, and the objective of this is to animate a fighting scene with the chosen character from one category against another character from the other category. You have the freedom to choose which character wins.
-The minimum length of your groups' entry is 30 secs.
-You can create any type of animation such as stick figure, full body, 3d and other kinds of animations. The software can be of your choice too!
-Maximum of 4 members minimum of 1.
Submission of entries are on September 20, 2012 at 11:59PM IST.
First place prize is worth $250!
For the complete problem statement, categories of cartoon characters and the registration go HERE :
This is some serious competition! So get started now!