Market for Old Animation Stand?

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Market for Old Animation Stand?

I have an old (1950's) TEL–Animastand Animation and Special Effects Camera Stand that is awesome but I need to make space and thus need to sell it. Is there any market for these things? It has a bed that moves left/right and forward/back and a table that rotates. The while thing is about 8' tall.

I found an old trade magazine that has a photo of it:

It does not have the camera, motor and the box on top of the table.

Anyone interested in this? Suggestions I should post it?

In my opinion yo have to search the different online websites which provide on-line selling facility on the internet.

I wonder where is your location and how much you are asking for the stand?

I am located in Oakland, California and am asking $600 for the stand.

Thanks Steve,

You said:
"It does not have the camera, motor and the box on top of the table."
Is it this box with the glass platen missing?

Thank you,
