Hey guys,
It's always been a childhood dream of mine to go into Pixar, but now that I understand how hard it is to actually achieve that dream...I need some advice on which college to go to in order to increase my chance of getting closer to that dream.
I got accepted into both Parsons and Ringling for animation, and a pending reply from CCA. I thought Ringling would be THE school to go to for animations...but the 3D world mag rankings for computer animation programs is already a few years old...and it doesnt seem that like they'll be releasing another ranking soon. But anyways, my dad asked around and all his computer graphic/animation friends has apparently never heard of Ringling but they've all heard of Parsons?
Is it better to go to a better know school like Parsons and major in their not so famous program or go to Ringling and school that not a lot of people has heard about?
Please help! I've only got another week left before I've got to get the replies back to the schools!
Have you checked the biographies of the animators of Pixar? I am not totally sure but I think they come from a number of different places.
I don't know your Dad's friends or what their CG/animation background is, but if they haven't heard of Ringling, I wouldn't put too much stock in their opinions.
Ringling is one of the best schools in the country for animation education, period. Every studio you can name has Ringling graduates working there, and most of the "bigs" make Ringling a regular stop on their recruiting tours.
Regardless of where you go, the school doesn't matter nearly as much as how much work and effort you put into your education. Access to information is a major factor, but how you incorporate that information into your work will be the thing that determines where you'll end up working. Work hard, listen to critiques, incorporate feedback, avoid student-itis, and work hard some more. That's what it takes these days to get noticed.
Good luck, and enjoy yourself wherever you end up.
You can take animation mentor online. it has some professional animators from pixar that can teach you how
a company shouldnt be your goal. entertainment isnt fixed. there is no rule saying pixar still has to exist. once you learn to do animation. just learn animation and It wont hurt to take an interest in animation that isnt done by pixar
Hello, spiraltic. It's really great that you want to go into Pixar. it's commendable that you care about your future and think ahead about good education. But if you want to get this job you should engage in self-development and ask for help professionals like https://pro-papers.com/college-homework-help and then you will definitely can go to Pixar.