Good website for tuts on constructing layouts/backgrounds?

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Good website for tuts on constructing layouts/backgrounds?

question in title!

I really appreciate the help i get here, looking forward to your responses, i have 6 weeks to make a film ARGH pressure!

Its not much help, but

You might want to try, in the forums section under art catergories. Its lots of reading and searching, but theres tons of information.

Brian Lemay has a couple of books on this at the bottom of his books page:

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Close, but...

it's actually

Lots of good illustrations, Photoshop AND Painter.



There are some great handouts on Animation Meat.

Visit my website:

Claire O'

I forgot about those! I found the Simpsons one pretty good, and it covered a lot of good stuff.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...