Hey, it's Sergio here,
I am a writer and filmmaker based in Milano, Italy.
Just came across a filmmakers competition posted by filmbay.com
it says its free, so no admission costs, etc.details below,
enjoy, ciao,
Note: If anyone knows about some funding sources, please contact me. I am working on a documentary on the designer Versace, but need financing, gracie milde, Sergio.
The Filmbay 2008 Competition
“Express Yourself”
Your task: Write a short scene (3-5 pages) for a film genre of your choice. The scene should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in screenwriting, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Your task: Direct a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in directing, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Your task: Enact a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in acting, aim for two or three characters maximum. A monologue, rant or soliloquy is also acceptable. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Your task: Produce a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in producing, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Music / Sound design
Your task: Produce music or sound design for a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene you compose for should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in musical scoring or sound design, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Your task: Create the cinematography for a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene you compose for should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in cinematography or have never worked as D.O.P., aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Set Design
Your task: Create the set design for a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene you design for should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in set design, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria.
Your task: Make an animated short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene you design for should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in set animation, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria. Any kind of animation (stop-motion, rotoscoping, claymation, drawing, or other) is welcome.
Your task: Create the art as part of a short scene (3-5 pages or 5 minutes runtime) for a film genre of your choice. The scene you design for should include at least one work, walk and talk element. The characters can be of your choice and there is no limit as to the amount of characters you create. If you are not so firm in art direction, aim for two or three characters maximum. You may submit an already finished piece, assuming it meets above criteria. Art should be a one piece minimum within a set, or it can be many pieces, such as sculpture and/or painting within a scene. The difference to the set design category is that we are looking for YOUR art, i.e. your creations that enhance a scene, whereas a set designer may use other people’s work.
Good Luck!
Note: We have left as much creative freedom for you as possible, but if you have any additional questions, you may contact us for more information. One person is allowed to assume more than one creative role, i.e. a writer can also direct and produce – there are no limitations as long as the work is yours. If possible, please also submit complete paperwork, such as treatment, storyboards and shot lists, this is not mandatory, but will help judging your work. The best submissions will be judged for creativity, originality, consistency and emotional appeal, e.g. desires and feelings of characters should be sketched as well as possible.
The final deadline for all submissions is September 1, 2008
Submit your competition application to:
Note: Please indicate the category you are submitting to with your application. All Submissions must meet all criteria as specified in the description. All Materials submitted will not be returned. Filmbay reserves the right to deny any application submissions for its competition. Participation in the competition is free. Filmbay will not ask for the rights to your creations and will not post or display anything you submit without your consent. If you have any further questions, you may email info@filmbay.com at any time. Thank you.