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Thoughts on fridays release "Simpsons Movie"

im curious to know what other animators think of the new simpsons movie coming out. i remember reading somewhere that 2d animated cartoons are a dying breed atleast for film.

but simpsons takes over! some parts of the movie looked like 3d but i wouldnt be surprised if it was all drawn out, not 3d animated. im sure family guy will follow with a movie, but i think we need more 2d animated movies from disney, warner and whomever, not just tv show to movie. :D

ewomack's picture
Submitted by ewomack on

I waited a little bit to see the film - the show has become a little stale, but the early episodes still have a lot going for them.

The movie was one long episode. But a good one. Doubtless talks of "sequel" ring through Gracie Film's HQ.

Lastly, as I sat through the credits, I realized that if I want to be an animator I should move to Korea. Page after page of Korean names scroll by. They did do a good job! Oh well...

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Three years ago it would have been Hindi, now Korean, hard to keep up isn't it.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I just went to the new Harry Potter film, the theatre was full of kids. They showed a preview for the Simpson's movie and the kids responded more to it than Harry Potter.

Think it's going to be a hit.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

cartoonchaos's picture

I'll go and see it if my mom pays. :) Other than that, I don't really have an interest in seeing it. I haven't watched the show for the past 3 or 4 years.

I heard that. I watched some recent episodes... feels like Bart and co. jumped a shark a few times...

I actually think that it might be "...the herald of the return of 2D." Not quality wise, but I do think it will make a whole bunch of money. And that is really all the suits that run the major studios see. That's what happened with the shift to 3D. Although it won't happen with just one movie, I think the Simpsons Movie might be the start of the snowball on the hill. Now if they would only make a Venture Brothers movie! :)

the Ape

Venture Bros? Well... Adult Swim should have the money to pull something off there.... But, animation is animation guys. Just thank God that some animators got some work out there... and support them. Go see the Simpsons. I'm gonna catch a matinee i think.

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Lest we forget the Simpsons started out as shorts on the Tracy Ullman show, most people didn't even notice them. I did. I think many of us on this board did...because they were good. They deserve the public acknowledgment they get. Whether or not they lead to a rebirth in 2d, that's not their problem.

They did good!

Adult Swim has to make it's way on it's own merits. I've never been that impressed with Adult Swim have you?

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I hear all of you asking how independents can make their way...well the Simpsons started as an independent. Look up the old Tracy Ullman shows.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I don't know what they made for that gig, but they are the vision...if you want to put up a little butt faced character like Bart, follow their example. But be aware they had a vision. They stayed true to their characters and they made the world connect with them.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Saw it last night and I laughed more than I have at any movie this year, though that doesn't say a whole lot for the other films. Some very funny gags with excellent pacing. There were a few moments it lost momentum but it always seemed to get back on track.

Bart's character has definitely changed, but he gets one of the biggest laughs in the film (you'll know it when you see it). It was a joy to hear the whole audience ROAR!!

And when they did the "Spider Pig" song the audience joined in. A good time was had by all.

Financially, I'm not sure how they'll do. They have a wide range of fans crossing several generations, but it might be a fans only movie. I hope word of mouth keeps it going.

Z's picture
Submitted by Z on

I'm kind of surprised by how well the film scored with the critics...(I believe on Rotten Tomatoes, the film has currently an 88%).

I'm definitely gonna go see it for two reasons:
a) I grew up on The Simpsons
b) I'm very enthusiastic about finally seeing another 2D film hitting theatres.


beeblebrox's picture
Submitted by beeblebrox on

$71 million opening weekend. The biggest 2d animated hit in years.

UPDATE: The biggest opening of a 2d animated film ever. The 3rd highest opening for any animated film ever, including 3D films (behind Shreks 2 and 3). And the 23rd biggest weekend of all time.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

And when they did the "Spider Pig" song the audience joined in. A good time was had by all.

Now think about all those people who have mini pet pigs, you know some of them are trying the ceiling walk.

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Let's hope that's the only thing they're copying from the movie. ;)

CaptainPunjab's picture

I really haven't enjoyed the show the past few years, it's been really pathetic and painful to watch for me. But this movie is great, it really feels like a classic episode. While I was watching it, it made me forget all the crap in the recent seasons. It was funny, touching (something the show has rarely been for me, ever) and definitely satisfying. I don't see how they can possibly compare to this in the TV series though, especially if it's the same as it was before the movie.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

The Simpsons Movie does make use of 3D for some elements, just as Futurama did.

I've never bought the "2D is dead" position, but by the same token, the Simpsons movie is not the herald of the return of 2D. The show has always been 2D, and that's what the fans of the show (who will comprise most if not all of the movie's patrons) will expect.

Animated Ape's picture

I'll go and see it if my mom pays. :) Other than that, I don't really have an interest in seeing it. I haven't watched the show for the past 3 or 4 years.

I actually think that it might be "...the herald of the return of 2D." Not quality wise, but I do think it will make a whole bunch of money. And that is really all the suits that run the major studios see. That's what happened with the shift to 3D. Although it won't happen with just one movie, I think the Simpsons Movie might be the start of the snowball on the hill. Now if they would only make a Venture Brothers movie! :)

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

ScatteredLogical's picture

Yah, I am completely curious how Simpsons will perform financially. I've never been a fan but I've never outright disliked it for the sake of it. I have seen bits and pieces that I've liked but when you've been on the air forever and a day, you're going to have people talking about hills and valleys in quality.

I didn't care for Seinfeld either and the Earth stopped rotating for the finale. I just didn't realize that's what people's tastes were, but the population is out there. I'm thinking a similar effect might be in store for the Simpsons since it also has a sort of wide branding thing going on even for people that aren't watching. It's also a bit of history in a way.

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Ape, nothing would make me happier than for you to be right and me wrong... :D

Tom MDP's picture
Submitted by Tom MDP on

Yes, I'm also quite curious how the movie is going to be.
That's why I'm going to see it tomorrow (I live in Belgium, official release 25 july ;))

I hope it's gonna be the snowball effect like ape described, that would be really nice, this because I love 2D-animation features* and I hope the great explosion is going to be over a year or 2-3, when I'm gratuaded in animation school, I don't give a rat's a$$ about 3D and I really want to do features instead of silly comercials, so it would be really nice if there was a complete revival of the 2D feature so it would be much easier for me to find the job I want to do :D

*I don't mind if there is some use of 3D for background/effects or even a half a figure like in Disney's "Treasure Island", but for me 2D is still the highest level of animation

SpaceFighter2000's picture

I agree with Tom, 2D is Top of the line, screwthis 3D crap. I can't believe no one here is a simpsons fan! This movie is going to be frickin awesome, I applaud them for doing a feature in 2D because it requires more work and skill but if you're going to do it 2D go all the way, nothing pisses me off more than crappy 3D integration ruining a good show or movie. I hope it will inspire more 2D feature lengths but I doubt it will. the only reason they did this movie 2D is because that's the way people remember and love the simpsons.

Viva revolution! Down with the 3D molopoly on movies!

Tom MDP's picture
Submitted by Tom MDP on

To all who has doubts or don't want to see it, ... shut up, drag your but to the movie theaters and go see the awesome movie!! :D

not only because of the humor, it just has a great story