i got 600/600 points, 100% for my animation portfolio :D yay!
its an irish college, so maybe not as good as the best in america, but its a film school so theres peoepl studying special effects, makeup, film, advertising, drama all that shiznit, so I think itll be good for making contacts.
I have exams coming up, once theyre outta the way, i can concentrate on actually getting somewhere in this biz
Are you going to IADT by any chance? That's where I'm applying to next year.
What kind of stuff did you put in your portfolio?
From my experience of doing the portoflio, I think that what IADT really really want is someone whos able to show talent, ability to develope ideas, and, IMO most importantly, to have an obvious interest in animation, they don't want a fucking NCAD fine art portfolio with a million paintings of apples, know what im saying ?
Because, if youve done any animation, you'll know that there are times when you jus feel like giving up, it can be a bitch, then when things start working out, and you see what youve been slaving over for days actually move, the high you get is fucking unreal.
I think with animation, peopel expect it to be a laugh a minute, they expect to have lots of freedom, like with a more art-based course. This isn't the case, and I think quite a few dropouts result, so if you can show actual animations, show that youve slaved over your work, whether it be hand drawn, flash or 3d, theyll suck it up.
I'm not gonna list exactly what i had in the portoflio, but here are the main points:
- life drawing is one of THE most important aspects, it needs to be impressive, try charcoal for some nice sketchiness, i did a 2 hour session in trinity which helped loads!
- object drawing, not very important, try and have a couple of nice ones, not my strong point, so had them in the middle. Don't assume that observational drawings means they want to see kettles and stuff, life drawing counts!
- project developement, took a couple ideas of different styles, developed characters, stories based around them, and did a couple of short storyboards as well as some concept design
-animations, did a prep course at iadt, got basic principles of animation done, such as the bouncing ball, pendulum etc did a walk cycle as well as my own idea, which i htink helped loads. Had it on VHS, they prefer VHS to DVD methinks.
-sketchbooks, dont start a sketchbook from scratch a couple weeks before the final date like I tried to do! Jus get all random sketches that are good, dont have to be observational, imaginary are good too, as long as theyre not shite, I just got a load of them bound and covered.
*also, for my storyboards, i got them bound aswell, and did up quick covers for each one in photoshop, then got the covers laminated, they turned out really stylish and impressive. They like sketchy, not messy, add a clean finish to what you can, but dont feel like every 'piece' has to be perfect looking!
The main thing im is to try and get your personality, creativity and interest in animation across to them on paper, remmber to start strong and end strong, weaker stuff i nthe middle, but hopefully you wont have any weak stuff ;)
Oh and thanks DSB :)
EDIT: heres ome pics form my portoflio