Need information on Canadian programs

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Need information on Canadian programs

Ahoy all, newbie here.

I just graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing. Prior to that, I was actually gearing up to go into animation and got accepted into the program Algonquin College in Ottawa. However, I bowed down to Chinese familial pressures and never followed through with it. Also, the time that I graduated high school was around the same time as when all the major studios were shutting down their traditional animation departments and I got scared by all the "animation is dead" naysayers. Now that I'm out of school, I'm finding my current line of work (I'm a market research analyst) unfulfilling and am thinking about re-applying for animation.

Can anybody tell me about the programs at Capilano College in Vancouver and Seneca College in Toronto? Both seem affordable and to have a good reputation.

Also, what kind of things do the schools look for in the figure drawings? At Algonquin, it seemed that they really focused on proportions for the entry portfolios, but I saw an evaluation sheet from Sheridan's program where proportion, line quality, character balance, volume and sense of motion were all given equal consideration.

Sheridan is the best college for animation... I also like course at Algonquin. Dont know about other colleges.

Capilano College comes well recommended.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)