Hey everybody!
I haven't posted in an age, but I've been very busy on my new animated short called The Traun Trailer! I've just completed half the scenes and made a small teaser trailer (a sort of trailer for the trailer). You can see it here.
You can also visit my website http://www.colbybluth.com to read more about the project. You were all very helpful with my first short film "Meanwhile..." and I'd like to hear your feedback on this. Thanks.
Well I am dial up so I may not load the whole clip but what I have seen so for looks really good. The bar scene, where you have the camera up close to your character and doing a mix pan/dolly shot. That scene looks ok but your characters come off looking flat in a 3D enviroment.
Is this a start to video production or can we see this in the theater soon. The art work is incredible and I hope the dialog is too.
Just saw your web site and I have a question, why are you connected to a German web site but you live on the west coast? Just being nosey, don't answer if you do not wont to.
I'm a sucker for run cycles, and that one near the end was gorgeous!
The layouts, the character designs, the trailer in general....you know how to tease:)
Good stuff!
Atomcloud Animation
I loved the scene of the guy in the swamp/fog that grabs the branch and it breaks in his hand, good reaction. Overall a very strong teaser, though I agree with Wontobe about the bar scene.
Is this a TEASER or a film?And, I don't want to pronounce the name of the film incorrectly. My tongue wants to say TRON when it's spelt TRAUN.What is this trailer's purpose?Is the trailer the only intended project?
Atomcloud Animation
Thank you guys for the compliments!
Wontobe- I can see your point about the bar scene. I wanted to have a crowd scene, but didn't want to animate it. I was hoping it would work like it does in Anime sometimes.
There won't be any full movie made at this point, and the trailer won't have any dialogue.
I didn't know I was connected to a German website. What is it?
madaman90- Traun is pronounced the same as Tron. This was just a teaser for the trailer, and the trailer is the final project. The trailer may be used to sell the property, but right now it's just a portfolio piece.
Most impressive, indeed!
I'd say that's the finest teaser-teaser I've seen!
But by golly, instead of "Traun" it should've been named "Cron"! :)
Good stuff!
SPLAT digital