2D/3D clip

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2D/3D clip

Alright, I have a lot of issues with this shot. But mostly my question is, does it look right? someone on here told me at one point that everything should move on ones on camera pans and the like... but when I animated the run cycle on ones it just didn't look as good as it did on this ones and twos hybrid (1,1,1,2,2,2). And because the character was animated thusly, the ground, sprites, and entire environment had to follow. So is it noticeable? Should I bite the bullet and do everything on ones?


Cool. I'm assuming all these clips are for a short that you're doing. Is this whole think for a class, or a personal short and are incorperating them into class assignments? Just wondering. Oh, and what school are you going to?

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

it's for my senior project at Savannah College of Art and Design. It's a short film that you devote 3 classes to (one for concept -> animatic, two for the rest)

So far, looking great to me.:)

:D 2D Animation FOREVER:D

That's really cool Boss. I didn't notice any strobing durring the pan. She is moving pretty fast so that's probably why. If she was just slowly moving you would really see the strobing. That camera move is a bit jaring though.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

yeah, I agree, that's one of my issues with it. I had a technical problem when I put the movement on splines, so I made it all linear. I figured it out now, so I'm gonna go back and make them splines again, and hopefully that'll fix it.