I am looking for Master program in animation can any1 tell me how is Bournemouth University for aniamtion ?
also plz tell me other universty in UK that is best for aniamtion.
Career Test
Career Test
I am looking for Master program in animation can any1 tell me how is Bournemouth University for aniamtion ?
also plz tell me other universty in UK that is best for aniamtion.
Career Test
what about the bradford university
i am soo confused
r there any ranking site specifficaly for animation ??
I want to do an MA or MSc in animation
Career Test
Bournmouth isn't that great for animation, but if you can to become a great programmer, rigger or modeller, that would definately be the place to go!
I really think that the best MA courses in the uk are either national film and television school course ( www.nftsfilm-tv.ac.uk ) or the London Anmiation Studio at Central Saint Martins' college ( http://www.londonanimationstudio.tv ). Have you considered going to any other country Europe? right now, for me, the very best university is in France ( www.gobelins.fr )
"check it out, you know it makes sense!" http://miaumau.blogspot.com/
well thanks for the info.
i don't wanna go to other country except england, US and canada.
Career Test
I applied for Bournemouth and i've heard there pretty good. I've also applied for Sunderland which is 400miles north of Bournemouth if not more. Bournemouth only explores 3D animation, Sunderland explores all kinds, and is probably a lot easier to get in to. I've got an interview there soon and i'm crapping myself. But try Sunderland for more variety, Teeside and Bournemouth are the best for 3d animation.
I can recommend Teesside University. I did my MA there last year, the staff are really friendly with good subject and technical knowledge but you have to be pro-active and put the work in to get the support. There are facilities for life drawing and lightboxes for doing hand-drawn animation. Software available on the computers are Softimage XSI, Alias Maya, 3DS Max, Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, Combustion, Toon Boom and Flash. I mainly used Softimage XSI for which there is a lot of support, on the BA I believe it is more 3DS Max-based.
Good luck,
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Well what about Royal college of art
which 1 is the best?
Career Test
sunny there are two universities in bournemouth.
One is the Bournemouth University,the other is the arts institute at Bournemouth,they are both literally within walking distance.
Bournemouth University only deals with 3d animation
The arts institute at bournemouth deals with 2d and 3d,although,they have more of a focus on 2d,what i mean by that is, they teach both 3d and 2d eqaully as much,but u can tell they have more of a 2d preferance when u look in there studios.
i'm applying for The arts institute at bournemouth this year,not for the MA though,going for BA,heard lots of good stuff about that from a friend on mine that goes there..
Production Blog
The Royal Academy unfortunately is just fame. it is difficult to get in and to be honest you really don't get you're money's worth.
why don't you look at the www.ucas.com website, it has a list of all of the courses in the uk
"check it out, you know it makes sense!" http://miaumau.blogspot.com/