Legal help for finishing short film.

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Legal help for finishing short film.


I'm about to finish my short film, and I need to make sure I have all the legal things staightend out with the other people that help me on the film. Mainly, I had a composer write an original score for the film and he had several of his musician friends record the score, other than that one other friend of mine helped me with the audio mix. I would like to know what kind of paperwork I should have them fill out so that I don't run into any copywrite or other issues as my film makes it's round through the festivals. Any help is appreciated.


Call up a law firm and ask them if they, or anyone they know, handle entertainment law. Then make an appointment to see them.
Getting advice from "us" here is a recipe for trouble in a legal matter because unless its a lawyer talking you'll be getting hearsay anecdotes and off-the-cuff opinions. There's no weight to what would be offered here, but a lawyer's job is to offer sound and thought-out legal guidance to you and THAT carries a lot of weight because if they get it wrong they have to answer to it.
You might have to pay for some of the lawyer's time and the info they relay to you ( or you could luck out and get some pro-bono advice), but if you have ANY kind of legal hassles down the road it can be worth the cost.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

hie spike, if you speak to a lawyer now, itll sort you out for a long time therefore its worth it. sco
also, legal procedures and agreements etc should be sorted out before the film not after its done.

i would reckon if you have recieved a score etc then you have to get a release from them stating the nature of their compensation and the scope of their rights to the work.

im not sure about the musicians.