I think my mind just blew.
In this particular method of animation, done by David Daniels, a "loaf" of interwoven clay is sliced away for each frame, and the end result is this:
That takes some crazy 3-dimensional thinking.
Does the girl seem canadian circa 1992 to anyone else? Reminds me of degrassi high, or kids in the hall season 1. yeah. :confused:
Strata-cut animation
By JohnnyLethargic | Friday, December 23, 2005 at 7:08pm
Strata-cut animation
I tried some strata-cut tests once. It's a very tough technique - you have to plan ahead and know when you want certain effects to happen and plan meticulously. Then, you have to mold the clay loaf to achieve those effects (without leaving holes or gaps in between colors), and hope that you cut at just the right point to get what you're after. And all of this is done while flying blind, because you have no idea exactly where you are in the clay loaf.
Animation is an insane pursuit to begin with - who in their right mind makes a movie one frame at a time? But these strata-cut guys take it several levels deeper into insanity. They have my deepest respect and hopes for a full recovery...:D