I'm a windows user and build my own pcs but with the requirements of Vista being 3gz I refuse to build another pc.
I'm really tempted to get a mac but I'm so used to building my own.
I'm just really sick of all the spyware, adware and viruses that windows brings. I a network admin/pc tech and I'd had all I can take cleaning spyware off of users pcs.
I wish Apple would just release a version of osx that would run on Intel and AMD clones.
My fastest pc is 2.8 and probably could run Vista but it doesn't seem like it's going to be all that. Just xp with a mini makeover.
What are you guys going to use on your next computer, windows or osx?
Also, with Apple switching to Intel, I'm really tempted.
Oh yeah, I've also seen on websites mac users complain about flash being extremely slowed compared to windows and crashing.
What will you next animation computer have, windows or osx?
windows. always
with my LCD montior and my software it slightly exceeded a Mac with a regular monitor.
no competition.
although i would like a powerbook coz they look uber coo
I'm too heavily invested in Windows to change. I even installed a dual boot system with Linux on my PC, but it just didn't take and I've hardly gone near it. So I've been promising myself a new PC for a long time now, I was thinking I'd just wait until 'Longhorn' came out, but they kept pushing it back, and now they're calling it Vista. Anyway, now I'm thinking that there'll probably be a surge in demand for PCs and probably a price hike when Vista comes out, so maybe I should cut my losses and get a deal now, or wait even longer.
I've been a PC user for several years (at home and at the studio) until recently when I switched to Mac. I have a 12" Powerbook hooked up to an LCD monitor and a keyboard and it works like a regular desktop PC. It spares me from all the viruses that Windows bring. I get and send all my projects through the internet so this added security gives me peace of mind. I'm sure I am not invulnerable to attacks, but I have not encountered any so far. It's been my faithful and reliable work station. I miss right-clicking with the mouse, but I have adapted.
I use Flash mainly and I did encounter some slow down when I first used it with a Mac, but it's nothing that a maxed out RAM can't handle. It crashes from time to time, but I have learned to avoid doing the tasks that make these crashes. I've tried doing intermediate work with Maya and I had no problems...well, not yet so far. I enjoyed working with a PC, but my next animation computer may be another Mac, a desktop this time; a G5 Quad perhaps?
I tried going down the Mac route recently, and didn't really like it at all. I am back with a Windows box and am very happy. PC's are faster, cheaper, and easier to get software for. Granted they have their share of problems, but I still think they're more than worth it.
Macs all the way!
You can buy mouses w/ left and right buttons and they work fine on the Mac. I'm using a 3 button mouse right now ;)
James :cool:
I'm not saying you think this Sandrock, but you just made me remeber something I saw. It's not that Mac's have way better virus protection, it's that Apple computers only make up something like 5-10% of the PC market. The whole idea of viruses are to infect as many computers as possible. So why should they write code that only has the possiblility to infect only that small amount.
Just something that came to mind. Oh and didn't we just have this discusion?
the Ape
And PC's RULE!!! :D
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Another thing I've read is that many virus writers are Mac and Linux fanatics who deliberately target Windows, because they resent how much of the market is dominated by Microsoft. I don't know if that's necessarily the case, but sounds plausible.
Anyway after using Windows for so many years, I have become used to it's glitches, and all the stuff you have to do to keep it running smoothly. It hardly bothers me these days. Maybe I'd miss all that drama, you know? Running Windows is a bit like having one of those 'tamagotchi' cyber pets from a few years ago. You have to take care of it.
I still prefer Windows for
I still prefer Windows for animation, as it is more convenient and compatible with most of the programs I use. I also want to share a way to activate Windows without buying a key, I found a great resource https://kms-tool.com/blog/Windows-8-Activator.html There is a lot of useful information and instructions on how to easily activate the system. I used this link and I think it will be useful to many.