AMD or Pentium?

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AMD or Pentium?

Hi all, im currently studying a Computer Animation course and im going to get a new computer within the next week or so and im wondering what would be best, AMD or Pentium, anyone got the AMD X2 3800+? if so how is it running for you. I will mostly be using Softimage XSI and other 3d packages. It would also be great if you could post up your system specs. thankyou

AMD is more quality for the money you pay, but Pentium is very reliable enterprise processor (although overpriced imho).

I would go with AMD, if you're not in need of HyperThreading (if you are just buy 2 AMD processors).

Go with AMD, they more efficiently and hyperthreading has no advantage to it other then the fact that it has a 2meg L2 cache since nothing takes advantage of the technology. Plus AMD is 64 bit, which will be good for when Microsoft Vista get's released next year.

Lindsey Keess