Disneys Last Groove

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Disneys Last Groove

I have this horibble feeling that Disney has very little time left until it falls into bankruptcy. There last few years have been rather bad for them and with there constant wave of astraight to video sequels they are just losing out on more money. Bambi 2, an idea sickening in itself but The Emperors New Groove 2. It's predecssor which to my knowledge was a complete flop. Losing Pixar which has probably been there highest source of income for the past 10 years. Disposing of their Hand drawn animation studio which is almost of sickening as Bambi 2. Sure theyve had the odd decent film such as Mulan and posibbly Brother Bear but regardless their standard has dropped. Almost been bought over by Comecom really sheds light on the situation. Their recent decision to release all their classics on special DVD, which is a good idea but it emphasises the fact that they seem to be scared. Anyone agree, disagree, i'm open for opinions but this is my theory, Disney have 15-25 years left.

15-25 years before bankruptcy???????????????????????????

Geez, that amount of time is a career for most people.
LOL, I think in 15-25 years they have enough wherewithall to pull themselves out of any dive they "might" be in.

Don't forget, it was only about 10-12 years ago they were at their very peak in all financial respects.. You've only cited one division of the company, the 2D animation division.

Disney makes more from marketing of Pooh then just about anything else they do--about 50-60% of their income comes from the licensing and marketing of their characters alone--probably even more. They could stop producing material altogether and still reap in huge profits, simply by licensing out the characters they have.

Saying that the demise of the animation department is the death knell is like saying that the closing down of DC Comics would kill Time/Warner.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Disney isn't going anywhere. It is a huge multinational corporation.
The Disney characters and theme parks are American icons. The world won't let them die.

Worst case scenerio is some bigger company like AOL or Newscorp will gobble it up.

People have been speculating about Disney bankruptcy for the last 75 years. They have been through significantly worse times than the current era.