Best Animation Series 2004/05

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Best Animation Series 2004/05

what do you think is the best animation Series in 2004 and 2005?

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Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:

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is foster's home for imaginary friends from 2004? Because they only started showing on European last year...

"check it out, you know it makes sense!"

For pure cartoony goodness, there is none better than Catscratch

Danny Phantom

belive by far,Danny Phantom by Butch Hartman, no buts about it

Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:

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juniper lee all the way!

There were many good cartoons over the past year, but I'll have to go with Robot Chicken for originality, quantity of laughs, and a unique animation style.

Someone already said Foster's (which is by far my favorite show), so I'll have to pick some others.

I don't have cable, so naturally I'm a bit deprived in the "cartoon series" area... But on regular TV I'd vote for two PBS shows:

#1: Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat

Why: Intelligent writing, excellent voice talent, and graceful animation. The crew for that show actually went to China to learn about the art styles and culture before doing the show.

#2: George Shrinks

Why: Witty humour that doesn't talk down to kids, great music (jazz all the way!), and neat characters. Plus, the animation is made in the slick, retro style of William Joyce.

Those are my favs, anyway.

yah know, i love fairly oddparents....but danny phantom...i am personally not a fan.

I have seen a few Catscratch episodes. it has potential, but it has seemed to have died down in terms of showings/promotion on its own channel. It was lacking something. There were some funny jokes here and there.

I am going to have to say Foster's. Great look, characters, animation, and humor.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo