My New Cartoon

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My New Cartoon

Hey all, I just finished a new flash cartoonand I'm interested in what people think. Here's the link:

I don't know what the policy is here, but I should warn that there is swearing in it. It's actually called "Goodperson and Sh*tboy"

Thanks everyone.

ah, man, that was pretty damn hilarious. it was vulgar, full of profanity, and the story revovled around a piece of shit. how can it lose?! very funny gags in it, i really liked the shitboy FAQ sheet at the end. overall the timing was pretty good on the gags and the dialogue. my only suggestion would be on the part with the flash back, some timing adjustments might need to be made. i think he pauses for too long before he say "i miss you, tina". i dunno, just my opinion. the only part i didn't get was when he pushed the button that said loser. i didn't understand what happened. well anyways, good stuff. hope to see more funny flash stuff, possibly more shitboy. he's such a lovable character.

Thanks a lot for the feedback brien. It can be hard sometimes to get actual responses from people onlines so thanks for your honesty and I'm glad you liked it. You make some good points and I think I will make those changes. Hopefully, you will see some more Shitboy in the future. This seems like a really cool forum. Thanks again for your time.

That was Adult Swim material, maybe they might catch your work. Well done.

it was pretty funny. I didnt get bored, so thats good.

I agree with the other guy on the whole pushing the button thing. It sounds like maybe he was on some sort of conveyor belt or something? bust out the wide shot and show us.

the pamphlet at the end was a nice touch. as i read it i could hear the character saying it. good consistancy in style throughout the piece. (look/feel/drawings)

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

Again, thanks for feedback. Adult swim material? Major compliment. Yeah, it's supposed to be a treadmill. I'm thinking now that I'll probably just make it a trap door. It's quicker and just as funny. Thanks for your time folks.

i'm like in the library and im dying from trying not to laugh out loud. That's beyond adult swim, i say Comedy Central material. and i agree with some of the comments brien mentioned. especially the loser button thing. was he supposed to be drifting away or something?

What would scooby do?