actionscript question

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actionscript question

Hey guys, I've just finished up a freelance project for a client and he has asked me to insert a button to download the SWF and another button to email the file. I checked Flaskit and could only find a few tutorials on the "send a friend" function but they all appear to require some php or pearl scripting... I can do some basic actionscipt but that stuffs outta my league at this point. Does anybody have any advice or know of any tutorials regarding these two functionalities? Thanks!

For the tell a friend thing, you are going to at least need a basic javascript built into your html page.

Or you could go php:

Downloading the swf, do you mean view it or save it to the viewers computer? If you just want them to download the file to their computer, you could zip the file upload it and do a geturl link to the zip file.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Thanks Phacker, I was afraid there'd be some javascript malarchy involved. Good thinkin on the zip file get url thing... that solution hadn't crossed my mind!