Alternative to Education

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Alternative to Education

I have gone to 2 schools now for animation, the digital media arts college and the minneapolis college of art and design. Both have fallen through for me because I don't personally have the dough to be able to pay them even though I get full financial aid. My question is , Is there a way for me to get a job without an education in the field?. thankyou for any replies to this. Its actually my first post/thread thing I've ever done.

Without a formal education? Sure - there are lots of animators working in the field that have never set foot inside a classroom.

Without any education in animation? No, you'll never make it in - there are too many who know too much that you're competing with. The good news is that there are more resources and tools available to self-train in animation than ever before. This board, for starters. If you make use of the resources available and commit to learning, you'll be headed down the right path.

When it comes time to look for that first job, your reel is far more important than your diploma anyway.


thanks dsb, Im glad to hear of some words of encouragement. I've looked for a site with some demo reels for a little while now so i can reference some other people. do you know of any?

Pick an animation that you like, feature, short flim, whatever. Get the names of the animator on the project and Google their names. There is a good chance that some of the have websites and they might have their demo reel there too.