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What do they call the short piece of music that comes at the beginning of a new scene...kind of an's usually one or two chords...
Good question. I don't know. A musician could answer that there used to be a couple that were members here.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
YES I WAS curious about that to,,,,,,,anyone got the answer?
My newgrounds movie--->
Short musical phrases are sometimes called "stings" or "stingers", although I don't know if that term applies specifically to the bits at the head of a scene transition.
Good question. I don't know. A musician could answer that there used to be a couple that were members here.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
YES I WAS curious about that to,,,,,,,anyone got the answer?
My newgrounds movie--->
Short musical phrases are sometimes called "stings" or "stingers", although I don't know if that term applies specifically to the bits at the head of a scene transition.