da vinci in tights

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da vinci in tights

hi folks

there is a new charecter born leonardo -da vinci, instead of gotham city the puppet show action takes place in the late 15th cantury florence and rome.

the hero is leonardo do vinci ,disguised as renaisance man,repeatedly saves mona lisa from the clutches of cesare borgio....by the way it was leonardo's drawings that inspired bob kane to create batman.

lastly mona lisa is smiling because she knows where his cave is :D

right now this is a puppet show by jason hines in the US..could be soon animated i guess.batman watch out.


You do realize there were rumors that DaVinci was gay. I think they wore woolen tights back then to stay warm.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

But from what I understand, those rumors existed primarily because da Vinci wasn't particularly sexual. He wouldn't go ga-ga over a pretty woman, so people whispered he was gay -- the closer truth was that he had an extremely mild sex drive. He wasn't interested in men, women, or anything else.

Of course, he may have been gay...but considering his voluminous notes and journals, I expect we'd know if he was. Heck, we now know of Tchaikovsky's homosexuality despite the great pains he took to hide it, and da Vinci was hardly a secretive man with his knowledge.

That said, an animation (stop-motion or otherwise) about the Maestro would be a fascinating trip.


i am sure he muast have made some sort of contraption to satify his lust while he was busy inventing all those gizmos ;)

You're right Brent he may have been asexual, and his creativity compensated for that. Some of the critiques that art professors have made of his anatomical drawings is that they aren't quite accurate in that aspect.

It was widely known I guess that Michelangelo was bi, and sometimes got a little too friendly with his apprentices, but also had his brief interludes with the wealthy female clients.

Anyway all this stuff was discussed when I was in a Fine Arts program back in the sixties, it may have been disproven by now.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.