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Independent Animation "Channel"

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

I got email from Toon Boom this morning with something in it about this Independent Animation Channel. Essentially you send them your movie (and some money) and they put it in their webTV playlist. They're based out of Roseville, CA.

I'd like to hear some feedback on this thing. I'm staying tight lipped as I'm a bit skeptical for a few reasons.

rupertpiston's picture
Cartoon Thunder There's a little biker in all of us...

blinkmetoys's picture

at least we got channel frederator!

sounds like a similar thing.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

ScatteredLogical's picture

I've watched all 16 episodes of Frederator so far and only found three pieces (all in a row!) that I didn't care for, or didn't possess something I could appreciate. You see all kinds of approaches, styles, genres, and see to a degree individuals championing their creativity. It makes me want to get to a festival quicker than negative C.

skinnylizard's picture

I've watched all 16 episodes of Frederator so far and only found three pieces (all in a row!) that I didn't care for, or didn't possess something I could appreciate. You see all kinds of approaches, styles, genres, and see to a degree individuals championing their creativity. It makes me want to get to a festival quicker than negative C.

But with Frederator you have someone who says ok, i know a thing or two about animation and the audience and on the basis of that i will pick from submissions.

but if you have $20 and show how do you pick the wheat from the chaff (do people even say that anymore)

Gizmo21SCR's picture
Submitted by Gizmo21SCR on

my kind of problem with this would be that anyone who can plonk down $20 or whatever it is can get his work shown, which means someone with a cracking fill could be followed up by something completely half baked


There is no $20 to send though so you keep repeating the same. Send no money.


Seems like a cool idea. Not too sure aboot it though, especially since it's brand new, and there's no good/bad reviews of it yet. Might be interesting to see how it goes.

ewomack's picture
Submitted by ewomack on

Hm. Interesting. You pay them to show your animation? Like your average animator has any money to begin with. The whole idea makes me go "hm." I certainly hope it's a success and gives animators a venue for their work.

But I guess we'll have to wait and see. The site says they go live on July 4th of this year.

ScatteredLogical's picture

First it was working for cheap. Then there are the requests to work for free. Now we have to pay to work. Does it bounce back up to free now, or enter a parallel universe?

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Sounds like "vanity" press to me. If you really think you have something it may be the way to go, but don't bet on it. The web is free vanity press!

Somebody in Roseville is going to be making a buck, and it's probably not you.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

skinnylizard's picture

my first reaction was what a load a crap. but now that i think of it - depends on who they are hooked up with.
this could be a great avenue for people to show their skills or their concepts. a lot of big shows have small starts. so unless toon boom try and rip people off this could be a good outlet.

rupertpiston's picture

The art on the home page doesn't inspire me too much, and the paying them thing sorta bugs (a lot)... Like you say, we'll see how it flies.

I think submissions are free until July is all full up with submissions, so it could be cool if you get in free at first...

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

The toon boom proposal seems like a cool idea, haven't heard anything bad relating to the situation, but I have this to say.
Animators are some of the most talented and amazing invisionaries in the world, if not for them, the establishment of developed cities would never have existed,
animators in this industry are paid next to nothing, they are not given full creative freedom in some instances and are not held in high regard in terms of working in co-oporation with say, producers or directors.
I think personally that an artists' work is more important than that of a producer's literary creativeness, don't get me wrong, not everyone can produce a hit show or know how to portray the indept resources (meaning inner creativity) of one's emotions....(this is what I was thought, so please go along with it), but an artist already has the aptitude for creativity, hence they too can portray their "indept resources" An artist needs to gain the respect he rightfuly deserves by means of either a "union" or solid representation that is not barred by little or no creative input, you're the one drawing the damn cartoons, without you, the producer's ideas would be nothing but scribblings and pathetic ingenuitity.
I respect my artists and I give them full creative input, although I draw the line from time to time, but there are other factors that influence an artist's..threshold, economic and social factors will hamper the amount of income an artist makes, or how much respect he receives, in this case an established animator will receive the benefit of the doubt, where as a beginner will be taken lightly.
I am doing my best to showcase and help artists receive the recognition they deserve, with my thread, "DIEMERAS's Super Short Show" this thread features pics, images and artists you oughta know so check it out and support the animators for without them, our immagination and ability to dream would never have been inspired.

"Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and give to Animators what is theirs"

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Gizmo21SCR's picture
Submitted by Gizmo21SCR on

This is an old thread but I just am bringing it up to address some things.
We came out of pocket on this venture to get this channel started. We are here for the ones trying to showcase thier project. We did try the "send in your $" approach but not to "Get Rich in Roseville". We did it to off set the cost of actually making something from nothing. as of now We are still doing what we have to to keep the companies dreams alive of presenting the world with media that Pixar, Dreamwork, Comedy Central, Nick, PBS and avery other co. wont show unless you put together a package that would cost atleast $30. Dont take my comments as cocky cause they are not. I am the same as most of you, an artist wanting to be seen. We dont want your money, on the contrary we are excepting the animations here at the IAC for free and on our discretion making commercials for them. We also have hooked up with Dave.TV to do the narrowcasting of our shows so there will be a 24/7 IAC channel. If you want to know more or are interested you can find us this weekend at WonderCon 2006 in San Francisco, CA or email me at to get more specifics.

Toon Boom, Animation Mag & Dave.TV are just some of who we are networking with.

PS Home page art was made simple for a reason.

skinnylizard's picture

well im surprised this hasnt gone live as yet. i mean i posted nearly 8 months ago.

i can understand the cost of bandwidth etc but i think they could def reduce costs.

also i wonder who will be watching these clips and what kinda 'exposure' this will get them.

on the whole i am slightly more inclined to trust Toon Boom vs the other no pay for play guys that come in here all the time.

but ill remain skeptical until something goes online.

Graphiteman's picture send them your movie (and some money) and they put it in their webTV playlist. ..........

Cha, right.:rolleyes:

ScatteredLogical's picture

First it was working for cheap. Then there are the requests to work for free. Now we have to pay to work. Does it bounce back up to free now, or enter a parallel universe?

haha I'm such an asshole. But seriously, is WebTV still around? We got on that bandwagon back in 95/96 era after my dad died. I know they went to WebTV Plus which I betatested, and then Microsoft ate them...what kind of user base could they have?

skinnylizard's picture

the days of free on the internet are over mostly. i dont know about web tv
circa 95 i was only 15-16

Gizmo21SCR's picture
Submitted by Gizmo21SCR on

Like I stated we aren't taking money. What we have been doing is collecting media (Which you keep all rights to) and making intros, commercials, ect... if you want to know exactly what type of broadcast or narrowcast i should say that we are working with log onto to see. Dave.TV is intenet based "Cable" service. I will tell you the folks that have sent in video that i have spoke to personally (Such as Patrick Davidson who made "TREP") wew thrilled to be able to take a project that is gathering dust on a desk some where and get it aired and still be able to take %100 credit for the project. If your sketchy on it try sending one of you projects that have been sitting aroun for a minute and see what we do with it.

Create. Submit. Get Played....

skinnylizard's picture

Like I stated we aren't taking money. What we have been doing is collecting media (Which you keep all rights to) and making intros, commercials, ect... if you want to know exactly what type of broadcast or narrowcast i should say that we are working with log onto to see. Dave.TV is intenet based "Cable" service. I will tell you the folks that have sent in video that i have spoke to personally (Such as Patrick Davidson who made "TREP") wew thrilled to be able to take a project that is gathering dust on a desk some where and get it aired and still be able to take %100 credit for the project. If your sketchy on it try sending one of you projects that have been sitting aroun for a minute and see what we do with it.

Create. Submit. Get Played....

my kind of problem with this would be that anyone who can plonk down $20 or whatever it is can get his work shown, which means someone with a cracking fill could be followed up by something completely half baked
