a new member seeking help

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a new member seeking help

hey everyone,my name is carl,i am 18 and am seeking as much advice as possible,i am new to this forum and dont know if this is the best place to put this thread but i will try anyway, i am seeking help from anyone who thinks they might be able to help me,i am trying to find out how some of you may have got into animation and how you got jobs!!! i am stuck and dont know where to start looking,please if u have any help can u let me know!!! my email address is on my profile if u would like to contact me personally!! :D

iceman1186's picture
Dozo arigato gozaimasu :o (thankyou very much)

Dozo arigato gozaimasu :o
(thankyou very much)

You can do a search on this website's job database...

"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane

If you want a job in animation you need a portfolio. To get a portfolio you usually need to go to school and learn how to animate. To learn how to animate you have to spend hours learning concepts and theory about animation and then spend even more hours animating and animating trying to put those theories into practice.

Then maybe you might be an animator some day.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Ed's right, but then there is always a back door. Not that I know first hand except by doing my own thing on the net, but always keep your options open. You could always get a job sweeping floors at a studio and keep your eyes and ears open. But you will as a creator have to learn the skills at some point on your own, or through a some sort of curriculum.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

You could always get a job sweeping floors at a studio and keep your eyes and ears open.

Fall asleep watching Mrs. Doubtfire? I tease... :)

I know you jest Scattered, but sometimes the front door expensive route isn't always the best fit for everyone.

Sometimes just the call of the medium is enough to spur some folks on to great things.

Look at how the animators at the the old Disney Studio got their jobs...it's not impossible if you are dedicated.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.