A little animation of 1 second - how it looks ?

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A little animation of 1 second - how it looks ?

We made an animation of 1 second ... please take a look and tell us your opinion on it .
The page link is : http://www.adsoftdesign.ro/Animations.htm .

Thank's .

You may get more views if you make it an .swf in a web page. People are wary of downloading .exe file as they might be viruses. You obviously knoiw how to put flash on a web-page there's a Flash logo on the page.

Also - how the hell did you make a 1 second flash file as big as 3 Meg??? video isn't that size!

Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org

At least 800k to a meg of any projector file is the default information to have the exe version of a Flash file and get it up and running. Try it. Just draw a dot on a single frame; I'm almost certain it will still be that high.

I also agree about people's fears. Even if they believe it's Flash, thanks to ActionScript a person -could- be hiding some sneaky code to load a page that -can- harm their computer. It would be ridiculous to put all that work into making your site, which is completely innocent, for the sole purpose of leading people to it to open an evil Flash file, so it's impractical, but as long as it's not impossible it's always best to go with straight Flash. It would also technically be more universal. Apples can't open EXEs and Windows can't open a BIN (normally) but they all load SWFs about the same.

As far as the animation goes, the coloration is a pretty nice match for the illustration in the background. It looks like kid's TV, which explains the limited movement. Right as his eyes are about to close there's a frame where you've filled the whites of the eyes with olive. That can be a potential distraction.

Yes, endeed you have right . Since is a web page i will make it swf and will be viewed from the web page . I made it .exe to send it to a buddy who knows only how to read mails :D , and after that i placed on the webpage .
The fact i love at this forum is that everyone does not answer directly to the questions , first of all is to criticise related stuffs near the question :D :D :D .
Thank you .

Actually, there wasn't a question. The two opinions you got were both about the animation, but even the one not about the art itself is important...the first concern is having something presented well, and presented safely...otherwise no one can/will -get- to your art-art to provide opinions on it.

Sorry about that moan of mine. I guess the part of brain most aware I was on 56k went ------------------- gnnnnn ------------ 1 Second? --------- 3 Meg? --------- Flash? ----------- &$"(£(*^%"*^$"*"%$O)*^$&"WU^£(&$£"*£*%^E£*

Mike Futcher - www.yogyog.org