I need some help,
I got my admit into Sheridans' computer animation course (http://companim.sheridaninstitute.ca/) and SCADs' Animation course (http://www.scad.edu/academic/majors/anim/index.html) and have been contemplating as to which is a better place to be? I am not fully aware of all the advantages both the colleges have to offer and would like to invite students and alumni to throw some light on why they selected their respective college
I am a graduate student at SCAD and I have to admit that I am very happy with my choice. I have found that 2d and 3d are held in the same respect here. I was initially a 2D animator and was a tad worried that I had to take 3d courses. But I've come to embrace 3D as an extension of my skillset. I don't know what you are looking for in a school so I can only say that I've learned much in the few quarters I've been here. The weather is nice here too.
This is the first time I've seen the two schools used in a comparison, but I do know that in the education section of the ConceptArt.org forum's, they discuss the two schools farily often. Search and see if your question's been asked, or ask it there as well.
[b][:: DIGITAL MARMALADE! ::][:: NYC Subway Sketchbook ::]
[:: East Coast Artists Unite! ::][/b]
Learning new information
Learning new information always leads to development. But everything depends on you, on your attention and persistence. I'm sure the issue has already been resolved. Wish you success. New knowledge leads to development.