Animation Masterclass!

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Animation Masterclass!


ive picked up the animation bug lately and having a blast learning how to do it. I've been having a bit of a block of what to animate, So i was wondering if someone would be able to give me a task, that maybe they had at there uni or college that i could try and do!

Thanks alot


19 views and nobody can give me a simple task in which to improve my animation skills! This place has changed!

Pick up the Animation Survival Kit it's full of things to do or somewhere in the FAQ for Students and Graduates thread there is a list of exercises.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

In my experience creative people are motivated enough to create exercises for themselves. Try out all of -your- ideas first if what you've been exposed to isn't working for you, and once that's all exhausted take a reprieve by getting advice from others.

Tony White's Animator's Workbook is actually built on a system of progressive exercises, I just assumed you'd read all those books already.

animatie a line ! we were given that ! the results were fun , way too funny !

I just wanted an excercise that would give me an idea of what people are asked to do at schools, that was my main aim from the topic!

I'll tell you in August, unless someone gets to you sooner =)

I do have a friend in Erie who had an early assignment to do straight aheads for 8 seconds starting with a dot and forming an intricate graphic design. She decided to make a giant frilly Valentine heart shape. Not sure how such a thing would benefit her, but the school only has a person getting a job every two years last I heard, so who knows. Interestingly, her friend's 2D design and her sculpture classes have benefited her more than that actual anim class.

animate a character pushing a heavy object
animate a character pulling a heavy object.
animate a character throwing a heavy object
animate a character lifting a heavy object

then replace "heavy" with "light" and that should keep you busy.

would you have to have a full understanding to be accepted into an animation course?

Div - they sound really good ideas to get the principles mastered!