Artists required for the online comic book Night Warrior

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Artists required for the online comic book Night Warrior

The successful and innovative online comic book will re-launch this Fall
with a new custom website and expanded universe. Brought to you by the team behind the first UK martial arts feature film, ‘Left For Dead’,
Night Warrior will enter it’s second season next year.

We are looking for inkers, colourists, pencilers and FULL SPECTRUM artists
to produce issues and covers based on written scripts and help us take the
comic book forward. Artists will have virtually full freedom to interpret
the materials as they see fit, giving you a totally free forum to be as
creative as you want.

The work is UNPAID, instead working on a profit share agreement. We are
only looking for artists who can produce issues or covers so at the moment
we are NOT looking for character designers.

Interested? Then email for more information with small
samples (250k MAX).

Alan Scott
NW Script Editor