Story DVD; it’s about time!

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Story DVD; it’s about time!

Visual Culture

It's here! DVD that deals with the best part of any animation; the story!

Does anybody have a favorite animation that has no story?


How much time do you spend mastering the technical end of animation? Just a bit?

How much time have you spent learning to be a master storyteller? ...

Think about it.

Look, this is NOT a million hours of painfully boring screen captures. This IS tons of creative examples and clear explanations of how you MAKE YOUR AUDIENCE CARE.

When your audience finishes watching your animation, make them remember you, [B]tell them a story!
Check out the trailer for Visual Storytelling and decide if you are serious about making great animation.


No offense but

50 bucks for a single disc that attempts to cover something of massive importance in -half- the running time of a conventional movie?

Is it that good?

Great Point!!!!

The Visual Storytelling DVD is both Short and Pricey... but there is a reason.

We believe (like you) that Story is both indispensable and mind-bogglingly complex, but the success of any given story hinges on a relatively small number of key elements.

These Key Elements are what Visual Storytelling explains.

These elements not only separate GREAT short animations from the amateurish reels, but POWERFUL films from costly visual science-projects.

When you purchase Visual Storytelling you are not buying hours of entertainment. You are buying the Key Elements that turn a good idea into a GREAT STORY.

So... the 65 minute length is what’s required to explain these key ideas. The DVD is purposefully constructed to make re-watching easy since each section is packed with so much information.

The reason it's 50 bucks is because we, like you, feel that the content is invaluable. ...and quite frankly seeing as we are in a market where a 3hr screen capture sells for 70 bucks, $50 for 65 minutes of Actual content should be a welcome change.

Any other questions... just post a reply we honestly love to hear from people.

Visual Storytelling DVD


A said 'conventional movie' as a point of reference. If they felt this was entertainment they have worse problems than finding the money to pay for the disc =) Still, going with what you said, it's expositional. Say, instructional, documentary...That's the feel from the trailer.

But what's going on, you say, is an exposition of something mind-bogglingly complex. If that's the case, why not spend more than a lunch break's time on it? Seems a bit rushed. Of course, forty-seven DVDs is impractical. But why not call it an overview, an intro? You can't price something so low that people don't assign it a value, but you may have trouble finding buyers if you can't make a strong enough case for why you've assigned it such a high value. It isn't about comparisons to others so much as it is pushing yourself, at least when you're at an initial stage.

I don't have a problem with what you're doing; I'm glad another person's out there championing things being interesting to watch instead of just eye candy or stale moving pictures. As far as I could tell from your page that you link, though, there's a trailer which some people won't watch and which is very vague (much like the non-real-world examples it displays, but that's not a problem, rather it's a boon because you wanna break things down as simply as possible so people concentrate on the principle, right?)....a covershot of the DVD itself, and then a description that doesn't tell people what they're getting.

Maybe I'm the outcast, but maybe I'm not. Maybe more people would take a step back at a price range they haven't seen before (I'm assuming the 70 dollar screen capture has to do with software?), and not be sold over despite the price because it's not a very confident pitch. You believe in what you're selling. Why not show you believe in it that much?

And why not be up front? Why not say "Well it took us a few months to put together, so the markup will help us recoup expenses"....or "Because we can" or even "One dollar from every purchase goes to the Make a Good Story Foundation"....obviously I'm being facetious but I'm sure there are more rational explanations than "It's just that good -- you gotta trust us on this one...not even a 50-dollar book does as well on the topic"...

Good luck in any event, friends of artistic integrity...