a "Reinmorph"

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a "Reinmorph"

this is a final sketch for a character I did for a fantasy source book coming up.


I didn't see any responses, so I had to peek....

The funny thing is that I was about to say "Ouch, he looks so rigid," but then I realized he's tree-like...which turned my comment into "Wow, good job on the shading and texturing. Really gets the idea across."

Depending on what style you're after, you might want to try making a face that's less...conventional, and maybe more one that is eccentric or distorted enough to look like a tree-person's psuedo-head (but maybe I'm even getting the wrong idea)

Of course, it being the way it is could be entirely the point, and it could be right on par. In any event it is very well-draughted, and my kudos are yours. Very interesting.