Hey, we never got that "Non-Animation Topics" section so I'll drop this here:
Now, that extreme-makeover-plastic-surgery-look-like-a-celebrity-TV has taken off, should we expect a rash of feature films on the subject? A parody/comedy is just screaming to be made! :D
That's too funny. I like Meg Ryan hope she didn't really do that to her lips.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
That Site cracked me up, especially Courtney Love's Boob Ripples. (Barf)
I like this site on so many levels.
Low humor at the expense of The Beautiful People elite for starters. It's nice to know that even the 'pretty people' can't keep up with themselves.
This whole plastic surgery craze really has a Brave New World feel to it. Perhaps that's the parody. The beauty gestapo storming into people's homes at midnight to exterminate the over 30's and the folks with crooked noses and/or dry, listless hair.
Just checked the site out and realised that it is no longer up. But its an interesting concept and caught on by sites like http://latestplasticsurgery.com