My site and toons

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My site and toons

Hiya folks,
Check out my site at:

Its got my doodles and some of my toons including my iPod spoof. Also check out the duck sause project I collaborated on:

Hope you enjoy :)


Some really nice stuff. I really dig the illustration work you did. Some of them border the Anime arena, but they're far enough away for me to say that it's really good stuff. It's also nice to see that you cover the spectrum of both the realistic and the cartoony.

Definitely a tight reel of animation too:)
It's short, shows great dynamics and staging, different mediums, and character designs. My only gripe (and I say this about a lot of 3d work) is that if you really want to impress people with 3d stuff, really study life in motion for animation. The designs are great but the kinetics/physics of the motions your characters make is somewhat stiff. What I mean is, that the dynamics you create are really really REALLY good. I especially liked the little acrobatic onto that mini van/bus.

But...... the's like plot points and math have determined where every joint and muscle go, and because of that, it doesn't feel humanistic or reallife. The ideas are totally there, you definitely have the rhythm, and I wouldn't dream of saying "do it again"...Shit, I don't know much of anything about 3d at all.

The handspring onto the bus is probably the only one I'd let you get away with because the action itself is so split second and impossible to pull off without precise actions...and the guy did.

REALLY dig the kitty!
And, I don't know HOW you did the butterfly, but that's fuckin' coooool!

You don't know me and I don't know you, so why do I write so much?
Because I care dammit:)



Atomcloud Animation

Wow! Thanks a lot for the reply! Your comments on my 3D work really hit the nail on the head. I've been trying to improve my work and I've not really seen what major problems I've got (I'm one of these people that works for ages on something then begins to see what I want it to look like rarther than what it actually looks like). I've actually got some ideas since I read your post about how I can improve my work a bit. So a HUGE THANKS!!!

Glad ya liked the kitty (spent hours watching a friends cat to finally come up with a cat that moved right!). And as for the butterflys it was really quite simple (but very time consuming):

1. Find a good pic of a butterfly (I've got a preserved one I used).
2. Really roughly animate the butterfly (2d). Make the lines really rough I found as you neaten them up later.
3. Scan them all once your happy with the movement.
4. Using photoshop, create a path for the key frame and create the outline of the butterfly. This is where you try to get as exact as possible.
5. Once you've don'e one butterfly, copy the path to the next frame and make the adjustments.
6. Repeat til as needed!
Just don't add too many point or remove too many as this helps keep the actual butterfly shape.
Once I'd done all the butterflys I recorded an action to fill the butterflys and remove the pencil drawing and then batch processed the lot.

Anyhoo, thanks again for the reply, it was quite helpful!




I read your instructions on the butterfly, but I still don't understand.

Did you animated the 2d part from above, the side?

I've never created paths in photoshop, but I think I know what you mean with the copy/paste theroy. I don't use Illustrator much, but I feel that this may be a better job for that ap. I dunno.

You should make whatever film comes to your head, but....that butterfly that you created....don't bury that idea! As an animation technique, it's brilliant. It goes in a direction that makes people go: "WHOAAAA, HOW'd HE DO THAT?", and in my experience people these days dig the unbelivable far more than a looney toon that was made less than 50 years ago. That butterfly IS unbelivable and belivable at the same time. Brilliant!

Make a film if you haven't already with that! I'd help you if I knew how:)


Atomcloud Animation

Lo again!
Glad ya dig the butterfly man! It probably could have been done in illistrator, but I've not really had much of a chance to play with it. If you really are intrested I could put together a few files trying to explain how it was done a bit better if you like. However, the butterflys were done for a short my brother is working on and will be release sometime in June, so if you can wait you'll see them in all their technicolor glory! :)



i loved the butterfly as well. it looked nice & organic, not computer generated. i hope you'll post your brother's short when it's ready or let us klnow where we can see it.

uncle phil

To continue...

Do it yourself butterfly instructions?

Well, hell yes!
Truly at your own convenience though, okay?
If there is anything that I can do for you perhaps based on stuff of mine that you saw, by all means ask and I'll answer:)



Atomcloud Animation