The NAB ICE Award is an honor bestowed by industry leaders to the best and brightest artists in the digital media arena. It is designed to recognize those who stretch their creativity to the limit and craft outstanding works. Those who are considered could be independent filmmakers or represent entertainment media giants. They could come from large authoring houses or be private videographers. Artists from the ranks of ad agencies, corporate communications, publishers, museums and academia are all eligible to compete. Winners will receive: NAB ICE Award statue imprinted with winner's name, NAB ICE Award Winner Certificate suitable for wall-hanging, Right to use the "NAB ICE Award Winner" logo, NAB press release featuring the names of the Winners and Listing of Winners on NAB's Website. The entry fee is $125 for the first piece of work submitted, and $100 for each additional piece of work (or for consideration of the piece in additional categories). Students (with a valid student identification) may submit their entry for a $35 fee. For more information, go to

Monday, June 7, 2004 - 11:00am to Friday, May 7, 2004 - 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Monday, June 7, 2004 - 12:00pm