BioWare Game Writing Contest

BioWare is holding a contest to find talented writers to help develop its award-winning roleplaying games. BioWare's director of design James Ohlen and assistant director of design Kevin Barrett have agreed to make the process of submitting work as easy as possible for writers looking to work for BioWare.

BioWare asks for writers to create a Neverwinter Nights module to tell their story using the Aurora Toolset. There are a lot of options to consider when creating a module in the Toolset, but it is important to remember that BioWare will only be interested in the writing.

BioWare will evaluate only the characters, the dialogue, the plot, the non-linear structure and the flow and pace of the story. To be eligible for this contest, submit a Neverwinter Nights module that follows these parameters: * A maximum of four characters. One player character and a maximum of three non-playable characters. * A maximum of 3,500 words in total including dialogue and setting. * You must tell a complete story in the form of a traditional BioWare side-quest and account for different endings/ multiple resolutions. * You are only allowed to use one 4x4 area in the Toolset to tell your whole story. * No combat or special skill use. * Just use the NWN retail toolset; don

Monday, February 27, 2006 - 12:00pm to 8:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Monday, January 30, 2006 - 12:00pm