How can I get overseas outsourcing work?

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How can I get overseas outsourcing work?

Hi there,

I am from China. I have been making innovative cartoon animations with creativity and professionalism for about ten years. This year, I am looking for possible opportunities to cooperate with overseas animation companies. Our goal is to  We prefer in-depth works to quick-payoff production. We are good at and confident in providing 2D, 3D high quality& cost-effective finals.

It is quite hard, however, to get any information of outsourcing demand.  I personally am being so confusing and could hardly find a way out. Do any one of you has recommandations or advice of finding some?

I will really appreciate it to get your kindly reply. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Christina Wu

Yours sincerely,

Christina Wu


Hi, I was also recently

Hi, I was also recently trying to find a good outsourcing company that could take over the customer service role. At first, I had no idea that it would be so difficult. Thankfully, in the end I was lucky enough to stumble upon bpo online.

I delegated to these guys the task of communicating with my customers, addressing all their questions and concerns, and they were able to do a great job. So, you should definitely look into them!

One approach is to use online

One approach is to use online platforms to connect with potential clients. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are popular places where companies and individuals post job opportunities for freelancers from around the world. You can create a profile and showcase your work, skills, and experience. Then, you can search for animation-related projects that match your interests and expertise. Make sure to customize your proposals to demonstrate how you can add value to the client's project.

Another strategy is to attend industry events, such as animation festivals and conferences. These events provide an opportunity to meet and network with professionals in the animation industry. You can showcase your work, share your ideas, and connect with potential clients or collaborators. Additionally, industry associations like ASIFA and SIGGRAPH can provide resources and networking opportunities.

أصدقائي الأعزاء، أقضي الكثير

أصدقائي الأعزاء، أقضي الكثير من وقت فراغي في المقامرة والمراهنة، لأنها تساعدني على البهجة، والأهم من ذلك أنها تحقق لي دخلاً إضافيًا جيدًا. اقرأ المزيد في المدونة كسب المال باستخدام الكازينوهات على الإنترنت والمراهنات الرياضية. إذا تمكنت من إثارة اهتمامك، فاسمح لي بمساعدتك في فهم كل التفاصيل. سأكون سعيدًا جدًا إذا استمعت إلى نصيحتي وكسبت أموالك الأولى.