Hello everybody,
I am curious about the difference between 2d televeision animation workflow and 2d gaming animation workflow. I have been working with 2d animation (Flash and Toonboom) and is familiar with the pipeline. How similar are they? What program do 2d gaming animaiton use as their "Industry Standard"?
I do cut out animation and there's usually another riggers that do the libraries before I animate them. Is this the same case for 2d gaming? Do gaming animators just animate or are they required to rig them and animate?
I'm also curious about the limitations if there are any like specific movement and instances that is hard to code into the game?
I wanted to try it and would like to know what to expect.
Thanks :)
2d Animation. 2d animation is
2d Animation. 2d animation is the manner of generating in a -dimensional creative space. second animation makes a speciality of creating storyboards, characters, and backgrounds in two-dimensional environments. ... these animations used in films, classified ads, tv suggests, pc games, or websites
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