Huion Pen Display or Bigger Monitor for animating in Maya

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Huion Pen Display or Bigger Monitor for animating in Maya

Hi guys, 

I am new to this forum and this is my first post, so go gentle. 

With all the Covid issues going on I have been looking at upgrading my home workspace. I currently have a Asus ROG Strix, which runs fine, but then ive got an old DGM digimate monitor as a second monitor. 23 inch, not HD, kind of needs an upgrade. 

So, ive been looking at the Huion Pen Displays for a while now. The Kamvas 20 or the Kamvas 20 pro and as much as i'd like one, Im wondering if I am buying one for the novelty of it. I dont get any pain in my wrists and i'm happy to use the mouse to animate. So instead Im thinking do I just buy a new monitor, currently looking at the HP 32s or the Acer VG270BMII X. 

Just looking for any advice on which to buy really, a Pen Display or a monitor, or would it be worth buying both eventually? 



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