I am Jenn Ting. the creative multimedia artist. Me and my friend are currently working on a short animation. We plan to produce an academic award winning animation. We looking for ROCK STAR teammates to join us to leave a dam in the universe!
With this short film. We plan to submit and win award in most of the film festivals to gain exposure in the industry and gain funding from investors. With this short film will be our stepping stone to establish our own animation studio to produce own animation film.
Deep inside, I want to tell a touching & memorable story. That is my initial idea. To be a storyteller :)
Currently I am managing the overall production execution and my friend is work on the background layout. We are producing a 15 minute short 2D animation film which is a story about the journey of an alien crash into the earth and meet someone here that IT willing to sacrifice IT life for....
we are looking for..
1. Animation Producer to handling the overall operating production pipeline.
2. Animators to handling the animation shots
3.Sound & music Composer to create music scroll for our animation
4.Visual effect Artist / Compositor to put things together
5.Editor to make the story flow.
Thanks for taking your time to read.
If you are the one we are looking for. Please contact me with zzomakai@gmail.com
If you think of someone who will suitable for. Share my message with him/her.
We need your skills and talents for the children to have a better & meaningful story to be told.
Thanks you.
Jenn Ting
great to hear about your
great to hear about your project if you want to make it more professional in low buget please check out our services we work in all kind animation https://videoatclick.com
Animator at https://videoatclick.com